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dry bar Vancouver

what is a dry bar – Get your Vancouver Dry Bar Experience

What is a Dry Bar? Have you heard the term “dry bar” making its way around lately? You may be curious and be wondering what exactly a dry bar is all about. Well we’re going to help you understand the concept a little bit and hopefully make you want to experience it for yourself! No Cuts at the Dry Bar! The unique aspect of a dry bar is that you will not be able to get a haircut there. They’re… Read More »what is a dry bar – Get your Vancouver Dry Bar Experience

hair salon


CHOOSING A HAIR STYLE IS IMPORTANT As a woman, hair style is an important aspect of our physical appearance. Choosing a hair style and committing to it can be a tough decision, a decision that can turn extremely undesirable if caution isn’t taken. There are multiple tips and tricks woman can use to be confident in their decision when trimming and cutting their hair. Besides, all woman are beautiful, but also deserve to feel beautiful! WIGS CAN BE YOUR FRIEND Wait! We are… Read More »HAIR STYLE – FINDING ONE YOU WON’T REGRET