Winter weather can be really harsh on your hair and you need to prepare your hair in order to keep it beautiful and healthy. We have compiled a few tips to allow you to go outside, enjoy our beautiful Vancouver winter while keeping pristine hair.
Winter Weather
Before you even realize it, the warm and humid summer will be gone and it will be replaced with some dry & frigid air. We will then have to face dry scalps and frizzy winter weather hair. There seems to be some easy solution like wearing a hat to hide it but we do not recommend it. Here is a list of easy tips to keep your hair healthy during winter
Dryness is the main menace that comes with wintertime. When the first snowfall, you will probably want to increase the amount of facial moisturizer you use but don`t forget about your hair! They are dry as well. The same way you keep your face hydrated, you will want to switch to hydrating conditioner. You will want to look for a product that provides oils and humectants in order to increase moisture in your hair.
Do not think you can outrun the dryness by staying indoor, a cranked-up thermostat can hurt your hair as well. The only way to prevent winter weather hair damage is by keeping your hair hydrated
Do you hit the snooze button five times every morning? I recommend you stop. First, because if you’re late one more time, your boss might just fire you. Second, you need time to properly wash and dry your hair in the morning. In winter, you must never step outside with wet hair. No, you will not catch a cold, but you will catch hair breakage. Dry your hair completely every morning or start showering at night.

Tips To Protect Your Hair From Harsh Weather
Wash Your Hair Less Often:
You should start washing your hair less often when comes to the winter weather. The reason is simple, the shampoo will wash your hair`s natural oils, causing it to become dryer. This can be good when you are sweating in the summer but for the already dry winter weather, it is not a good idea. Another good trip concerning washing your hair is to take a colder shower. Hot water does feel amazing when showering but it is bad for your hair when you are facing winter.
Wearing A Hat
Stay warm during the winter and wear a hat to cover your head. The downside of this is that the friction between the hat and your head will cause some damage to the crown of the hair. This is especially true when it comes to wool or cotton hats. If possible, you should try to use hats that are made of silk or that have a satin liner. If you do not own such a hat, you can also wrap a silk scarf on your head and wear your hat over it.
Watch What You Eat
Having healthy eating habits is a great thing all year long for you and your hair. Did you know that there is a lot of vitamins and supplements that you can take that will help to keep your hair beautiful in the winter? A good example of a good healthy vitamin is spinach because it has a lot of vitamin iron and vitamin A. Avocado is another great example of healthy hair-friendly food, it has a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin A, E, and Iron are great to keep your hair beautiful throughout the cold season.

Visit Us
Even if you follow each of these tips, there is still a chance that you will damage your hair, especially during a cold winter. This is why you should keep in touch with us to make sure that your hair a prepared to face the winter. Give us a call today to book an appointment or if you have any questions regarding how to prepare your hair for the winter.
Wish Dry Bar
1459 Bellevue Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1C3, Canada
49.327629733566766, -123.15605900413689